4-wire non-contact ultrasonic flow, volume and liquid level transmitter which can be powered with 255 VAC or 24 VDC also.
Echotel® 335 principle of operation consist on emitting ultrasonic waves towards the liquid surface that after reflection return to the transmitter. By measuring “time of flight” of ultrasonic wave transmitter calculates liquid level.
4-wire non-contact ultrasonic flow, volume and liquid level transmitter which can be powered with 255 VAC or 24 VDC also.
Echotel® 335 principle of operation consist on emitting ultrasonic waves towards the liquid surface that after reflection return to the transmitter. By measuring “time of flight” of ultrasonic wave transmitter calculates liquid level.
Ultrasonic transmitter Echotel® 335 finds its use in non-demanding level measurement applications where vaporization, mixing and foam at the liquid surface are not present.
Ultrasonic fluid flow measurement
Non-contact level transmitters for solids and liquids utilizing innovative technology of acoustic wave.
Guided wave radar for level measurement of solids and liquids.
Compact, loop-powered ultrasonic level transmitters for continuous measurement of liquids